Activities organized, co-organized, sponsored or endorsed by the EMS

The EMS Executive Committee, via its Meetings Committee, is willing to provide support that may cover part of the cost of EMS Scientific Meetings, EMS Lecturers, EMS Distinguished Speakers, EMS Joint Mathematical Weekends, EMS Summer Schools, and Special Events of high scientific quality and relevance. This includes in particular meetings of EMS Topical Activity Groups (EMS-TAGs).

The EMS is committed to increasing the participation of women in research in mathematics and its applications. Efforts towards giving place to mathematicians of all genders and towards integrating early career, mathematicians will be particularly appreciated.

Events within Europe and speakers with profound relations to European academic institutions will be given preference.

The budget of the event should be detailed and clear. The requested funding from EMS should be in a reasonable (not too large) proportion with the total budget. Support can be granted up to 50% of the total budget (up to 6000 euros for small events and workshops and up to 10000 euros for larger events).

Only a limited number of events can be supported. This depends on the available budget for the Meetings Committee, which is assigned to the Meetings Committee via the budget plan approved by the EMS Council.

General guidelines for approval of proposals

  1. Scientific quality The event should meet high quality standards. This concerns the importance of the scientific topics, the mathematical level, the attractiveness for a qualified wide audience, the composition of the scientific and the organizing committees and the international scientific reputation of the selected speakers.

  2. International nature The event should have an international nature and not be restricted to national or local interests. This applies to the composition of the scientific committee and the selection of the speakers.

  3. Inclusiveness The participation of early career researchers and female mathematicians should be promoted. The organizers should also facilitate the participation of researchers from less-favoured countries.

Important: The lack of any of the above necessary points may prevent the financing of the proposal.

Call for proposals for scientific activities in the year N

Proposers should activate the corresponding link in the list below and fill out an application form Link before the date of July 31 of the year N-1. The Meetings Committee then will evaluate the proposals and give a recommendation to the EC with a clear ranking of the applications by September 30 of the year N. The EMS EC will have to approve the recommendation of the Meetings Committee and inform the committee about the decisions.

EMS Scientific Meetings

EMS sponsored scientific meetings, in particular, meetings of EMS Topical Activity Groups (EMS-TAGs) can be supported financially from the budget of EMS. The meeting has to have a strongly international nature and be inclusive in view of the general guidelines for supports of events. Birthday and honouring events should not be financially supported.

EMS Lecturer

Every year, the EMS appoints an EMS Lecturer. This is an honorary post, bestowed on an internationally renowned researcher, affiliated to a European institution. An EMS Lecturer is asked to deliver several lectures in various European places; one of the lectures is tied to an international conference in Europe. Costs of EMS Lecturers are supported by the EMS. Nominations for EMS lecturer must be motivated by the quality of the person.

List of EMS Lecturers

EMS Distinguished Speaker

An EMS Distinguished Speaker is a prestigious appointment, awarded by the EMS to an internationally renowned researcher. An EMS Distinguished Speaker is asked to deliver a plenary lecture at a large regional or international European conference. Costs of EMS Distinguished Speakers are supported by the EMS.

List of EMS Distinguished Speakers

EMS Joint Mathematical Weekend

An EMS Weekend is a regional European conference, interdisciplinary and covering several mathematical fields; usually organized jointly with one or several corporate members of the EMS. The EMS provides partial financial support to the organization.

List of EMS Weekends

Summer Schools

A prototype event is a one-week school on a given mathematical area, with at least two courses of 10 hours each. The core programme can be complemented with tutorials and poster sessions by the participants. Proposals should be on topics contributing to the advancement of mathematics and its applications. The school should be a truly international event with an emphasis on integration of early career mathematicians and it should provide space to mathematicians of all genders.

List of the EMS Summer Schools

Special Events

In special circumstances, the EMS may consider contributing to scientific events not belonging to any of the types listed above. Since resources are scarce, only a very limited number can be partially supported.

List of special events

Activities endorsed by the EMS

The EMS provides the logo as sign of scientific quality, but not financial support. These activities are susceptible of hosting EMS Distinguished speakers and EMS Lecturers.

List of activities endorsed by the EMS

The financial support of recurring events like yearly summer schools on the same topic or the same institution is generally possible but should be restricted to one out of three years in one institution or topic. Exceptions are meeting of EMS-TAGs if the organizing institution is changing.