EMS Magazine No. 129
9 October 2023
Message from the president // Brief words from the editor-in-chief
Nonlinear PDE in the presence of singular randomness
Listen2Intuition: A Mathematics & Arts exhibition project
Abel interview 2023: Luis Ángel Caffarelli
Pierced by a sun ray
ICERM: 10 years later
How do mathematicians publish? – Some trends
Would it be proper to say that mathematics is blocking students in engineering?
ICMI column
Solved and unsolved problems
Book review: “An Introduction to Singular Stochastic PDEs: Allen–Cahn Equations, Metastability, and Regularity Structures” by Nils Berglund
Book review: “Les Mathématiques comme Métaphore: Essais choisis” by Yuri Manin
Book review: “Pre-Calculus, Calculus, and Beyond” by Hung-Hsi Wu
Report from the EMS Executive Committee Meeting, in Copenhagen, 10–11 March 2023
New editors appointed