- 2025Apr20–24Add to calendar
ICMAT, Madrid, Spain Geometry at Large, an ICMAT-IMSA collaboration
We are pleased to announce the conference Geometry at Large, which will take place at the Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT), in Madrid (Spain), during 21-25 April 2025. This event, organized jointly by ICMAT and the Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas (IMSA), aims to bring together leading researchers from Spain and Latin America to explore a wide range of topics within the broad field of geometry, including algebraic geometry, differential geometry, geometric group theory, etc. It will provide a platform for presenting the latest advancements in these areas, and for fostering scientific collaboration between the mathematical communities of Spain and Latin America. Every person interested in participating in the conference must pre-register here before 20 January 2025. Confirmed participants will receive an email from the organizing committee no later than 31 January 2025. There may be limited funds to cover the accommodation of a small number of young researchers. Interested people should tick the appropriate box on the pre-registration form. All the details about the conference may be found at the conference website. The organizers, Javier Aramayona (ICMAT), Oscar García-Prada (ICMAT), Ludmil Katzarkov (IMSA), Jaqueline Mesquita (Brasilia)
- 2025Apr20–24Add to calendar
CIRM, Luminy (France) Fluid/solid interactions and related problems
Within the mathematics of fluid mechanics, fluid-solid interactions have been a rapidly expanding field since the early 2000s. Fluid-solid problems are unique in that they have applications in a wide variety of fields. Systems mixing fluids and solids are involved in both industrial contexts (describing the behavior of wind turbines for energy production) and health issues (calculating the impact of hematocrit or the mechanical properties of red blood cells on blood viscosity). The various questions associated with these different experimental settings involve a wide range of mathematical fields, including analysis and simulation of partial differential equations, homogenization, control theory and statistical physics. LECTURES David Gérard-Varet (Université Paris-Cité) Helmut Abels (Universität Regensburg) TALKS Michele Coti-Zelati (Imperial College) TBC Mitia Duerinckx (FNRS, Université libre de Bruxelles) Sylvain Ervedoza (CNRS, Université de Bordeaux) Giusy Mazzone (Queen’s University) Amina Mecherbet (Université Paris-Cité) Mei Ming (Yunnan University) Monica Musso (University of Bath) Grigor Nika (Karlstad University) Charlotte Perrin (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université) TBC Mythily Ramaswamy (Tata Institute) Elena Salguero (Max Planck Institute)
- 2025Apr24–27Add to calendar
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, Brown University Autoformalization for the Working Mathematician
Hot Topics Workshop
A large community of pure mathematicians has recognized the importance of formal verification in modern mathematics and is looking forward to systems like Lean becoming an everyday tool in research. At the same time, automated theorem proving has recently become popular in the machine learning community as a benchmark and stepping stone for the more general task of automated reasoning. The goal of this workshop is to bring these communities together. We will have talks and tutorials that introduce mathematicians to Lean and to state-of-the-art technologies in automated theorem proving. We will also discuss future research directions, tooling, and other ways to make this technology more useful to working mathematicians. Our medium-term goal is to initiate an effort in the mathematical community to develop a well-aligned dataset that can be used to benchmark models for tasks that are close to the use cases of working mathematicians. The first afternoon of the workshop will be a hackathon whose goal is to create tools that will aid mathematicians in this dataset creation.
- 2025Apr29–May01Add to calendar
Birmingham, UK 5th IMA and OR Society Conference on Mathematics of Operational Research
Building on the success of the four previous conferences (held in 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2023) this biennial event will aim to draw together the considerable community of researchers and practitioners who use and / or develop innovative mathematics and data driven approaches, relevant to the applications and theory of Operational Research (OR). The conference will be held at the beautiful and easily accessible Conference Centre Aston in Birmingham and will showcase activities from across all areas of OR. We welcome contributions that are empirically motivated and with a focus on application, as well as those that are theoretically driven. The conference will host plenaries from leading international experts, sessions of themed talks, as well as poster sessions, and will provide plenty of opportunities for networking. We look forward to seeing you in Birmingham in April 2025 for a terrific event and to celebrate together the successes of OR!
- 2025May05–09Add to calendar
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, Brown University Uncertainty Quantification for Mathematical Biology
Topical Workshop
This workshop capitalizes on the significant potential for mutual advancement in uncertainty quantification (UQ) and mathematical biology through cross-disciplinary collaboration. Bringing together UQ practitioners and mathematical biologists will allow UQ methodologies to be applied to explore and improve biological models through computational methods. Conversely, the unique challenges of modeling uncertainty in biological systems can inspire the development of novel UQ techniques. By fostering research collaborations at the intersection of computational and mathematical biology, UQ algorithms, and data-driven learning, this workshop aims to galvanize advancements across these fields.
- 2025May07–09Add to calendar
Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NON-LINEAR ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION (With Workshop on Fixed Point Theory and its Applications)
We are delighted to announce the International Conference on Non-linear Analysis and Optimization (ICAN-OPT_NEPAL_2025), from May 08 to 10, 2025, at Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal including a Workshop on Fixed Point Theory and Applications. This event is organized by Kathmandu University in collaboration with Tribhuvan University, Nepal Sanskrit University, and Nepal Mathematical Society. This conference will cover diverse topics like Non-linear Analysis, Fixed Point Theory, Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Wavelet Analysis, Special Functions, Functional Analysis, Fourier Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Convex Analysis, Optimization Theory, Queueing Theory, Finance & Economics, Differential Equations, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Modelling, Data Science, and Machine Learning.
- 2025May12–16Add to calendar
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, Brown University Links in Dimension 3 and 4
Topical Workshop
A topologist might hope that results in knot theory can always be extended to links. Decades of work in link theory show such extensions are not always straightforward and are, in fact, sometimes impossible. There are also properties and strategies unique to link theory. For all these reasons, link theory is a rich source of relationships to driving questions in the study of topology in dimensions 3 and 4. Among the most compelling are connections to 4-dimensional surgery, exotica in dimension 4, and the study of surfaces in 4-manifolds. Additionally, a vast number of open questions and unexplored topics remain within the confines of the theory in areas such as link concordance, link homotopy, and homology theories, including Heegaard Floer homology and Khovanov homology. This workshop will bring together low-dimensional topologists of all backgrounds to further the general knowledge of link theory within the low-dimensional topology community, including techniques and tools used to study links and important open questions connected to link theory.
- 2025May19–21Add to calendar
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, Brown University Applied Math in Statistics and Data Science Education
Hot Topics Workshop
This workshop is designed for faculty, postdocs, and PhD students who are interested in teaching statistics and data science through an interdisciplinary approach that leverages the strengths of both applied mathematics and statistics. Participants will exchange pedagogical ideas, curricula, and research applications, fostering collaboration between those teaching data science. The workshop is especially relevant for statistics faculty looking to expand their data science toolbox and applied mathematicians aiming to equip their students with essential data science skills. The workshop is also open to individuals in engineering, epidemiology, computer science, and other STEM or public health fields.
- 2025May25–29Add to calendar
Montecatini (PT, Italy) CIME School "Existence and regularity for non uniformly elliptic and parabolic problems under (p, q) and general growth conditions"
Scientific Directors: Antonia Passarelli di Napoli, Univ. Napoli Federico II, Italy Verena Bögelein, Paris Lodron Univ. Salzbur, Austria Lectures: Andrea Cianchi, Univ. Firenze, Italy Cristiana De Filippis, Univ. Parma, Italy Frank Duzaar, Paris Lodron Univ. Salzburg, Austria Jan Kristensen, Oxford Univ., UK
- 2025Jun01–05Add to calendar
The University of Sydney and Sydney Mathematical Research Institute Representation theory down under
The conference will bring together experts in representation theory and algebraic combinatorics, ,and is part of a broader special semester on "Modern Perspectives in Representation Theory" at the Sydney Mathematical Research Institute, running from May 5 to June 13, 2025.