30 June 2021

EMS Jobs and Events Pages now live

Richard Elwes

The listings pages for mathematical job vacancies and upcoming mathematical events are now up and running on the EMS's new website! Click through to view the current listings. These pages are also accessible through "Services" in the website's top menu.

Default EMS image for news.

To submit a job or event, you will first be invited to login or register with the EMS website. Registration is separate from EMS membership and is not carried over from the old website.

Job listings are also streamed to Twitter, via the dedicated account @EuroMathJobs (separate from the main EMS Twitter account @EuroMathSoc).

For more jobs listings see also our list of national job boards and MathHire.org.

For upcoming mathematical outreach events, see Pop Math administered by the EMS’s committee for Raising Public Awareness of Mathematics.