Magazine Cover

EMS Magazine

An invitation to authors of the EMS Magazine

The European Mathematical Society Magazine is first of all a membership bonus for the individual members of the society. Moreover, several departments and libraries have a subscription to the Magazine.

The editors encourage prospective authors to submit their articles or suggestions for articles to the Magazine. Articles of interest may be

  • Feature articles about or related to mathematical topics. Articles should be of interest to the intended reader who has a mathematics degree (or similar) and should have a certain novelty aspect. They should not require specialist knowledge or be technically sophisticated.

  • Feature articles focusing on topics within the history of mathematics or topics in mathematics education which are of interest to the non-specialist reader.

  • Interviews with well-known mathematicians or policy-makers.

  • "Mathematical business" articles that summarize what has happened in/is planned in the EMS committees etc.; also major mathematical events, mathematical competitions and prizes, publishing etc. Moreover, articles on "political" developments of interest to the mathematical community, in particular in Europe.

  • Societies articles that highlight interesting developments in the national mathematical societies, in mathematical research centres etc.

  • Book reviews are encouraged. These are reviews of 1-2 pages on mathematics books, software, movies, etc.

  • Contributions to the Problem Corner. Problems for this column can be submitted, or solutions to the problems already proposed can be given.

  • Information for the Personal Column. This column collects information on prizes awarded, and on European mathematicians (in the broad sense) recently deceased.

  • Letters to the Editor, in relation to any matter which may be of concern to the readers of the Newsletter.

Articles in the EMS Magazine are published Open Access with a CC BY 4.0 license.

Submission of articles

Authors are requested to submit their articles electronically, according to the instructions below, using the online submission form.

The preferred formats are

  • Microsoft Word (for documents without or with very few mathematical formulas)

  • LaTeX (for documents with several or a lot of mathematical formulas). A template, with the corresponding latex files, can be downloaded here.

Articles from authors outside the English speaking countries will be sent to the Magazine’s English copy editor for a language check.

Advice for authors

An article should be well-structured. Headings and subheadings help the reader to get a quick overview. Boxes with separate text/illustrations that explain a particular angle of the story to be told provide another possibility for additional structure.

Pictures/graphics are important; they give an immediate impression of what an article is all about, and they break monotonicity. The pictures should include captions, and the author is responsible for obtaining copyright permission (or provide the editors with the contact information to ask for this).

As a guide for authors, the space occupied by an article in the Magazine follows the approximate rule "1000 words = 1 page".

CV etc.

Identification of the author is by name, e-mail address and affiliation. Moreover, we appreciate a brief CV (need not be dry and may also indicate private interests; see examples in previous issues of the EMS Magazine). This information is also requested by the above mentioned online submission form.


Send pictures in electronic format (.gif, .jpg, .eps, .pdf, etc); you may scan paper illustrations. The image files should be of enough quality (> 100 kb for small pictures; > 300 kb for larger pictures). Please insert them in the article at the appropriate places and with captions (short explanation texts, including mention of the copyright permission if relevant), or else send the pictures independently mentioning for each of the files where it should be inserted and its caption.


EMS Press is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards. Further information is provided in our Accessibility Statement.

Editorial Office

For questions regarding the journal, please write to or at the address

EMS Press
Institut für Mathematik
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 136
10623 Berlin