Applications and Interdisciplinary Relations

The European Mathematical Society (EMS) has several committees in charge of different aspects of its activities. The Committee for Applications and Interdisciplinary Relations (CAIR) is the standing committee of the EMS involved in the promotion of applied and industrial mathematics at the European level.

Mission Statement

The purpose of CAIR is to foster interactions between Mathematics and other disciplines in Sciences, Technology, and Social Sciences and to promote the implications of all areas of Mathematics in this endeavour. More concretely, the committee works on the following tasks

  • Fostering collaborations between mathematics and other disciplines through the facilitation and financial support of events targeted at such interdisciplinary interactions.
  • Promoting the role of mathematics in applications through media and policy makers, and in close collaboration with the Mathematics Outreach and Engagement (Outreach) Committee.
  • To strengthen collaboration between the EMS, EU-MATHS-IN, ECMI and mathematical societies worldwide through sharing strategic goals and supporting each others activities.
  • Encourage and support careers of mathematicians who work at the interface with applications.

Committee members

NameEmailRoleTenure beginsTenure endsTerm
Carola-Bibiane Schönliebcbs31 "at" cam "dot" ac "dot" ukChair20182025II
Josef Málekmalek "at" karlin "dot" mff "dot" cuni "dot" czVice chair20182025II
Fabio Chalubchalub "at" fct "dot" unl "dot" ptMember20182025II
Manuel Cruzmbc "at" isep "dot" ipp "dot" ptMember20242027I
Patrick Farrell patrick "dot" farrell "at" maths "dot" ox "dot" ac "dot" ukMember20222025I
Zoltán Horváthhorvathz "at" sze "dot" huMember20182025II
Nataša Krejićnatasa "at" dmi "dot" uns "dot" ac "dot" rsMember20222025I
Veronique Maume-Deschampsveronique "dot" maume-deschamps "at" univ-lyon1 "dot" frMember20222025I
Alessandra Michelettialessandra "dot" micheletti "at" unimi "dot" itMember20242027I
Lorenzo Pareschi lorenzo "dot" pareschi "at" unife "dot" itMember20222025I
Marc Pfetschpfetsch "at" mathematik "dot" tu-darmstadt "dot" deMember20182025II
Marie Rognesmeg "at" simula "dot" noMember20232026I
Gianluigi Rozzagrozza "at" sissa "dot" itMember20182025II
Jesús María Sanz-Sernajmsanzserna "at" gmail "dot" comMember20222025I
Robert Scheichl r "dot" scheichl "at" uni-heidelberg "dot" deMember20222025I
Karen Veroy-Greplk "dot" p "dot" veroy "at" tue "dot" nlMember20222025I
Jan Vybíraljan "dot" vybiral "at" fjfi "dot" cvut "dot" czMember20252028I
Marie-Therese Wolframm "dot" wolfram "at" warwick "dot" ac "dot" ukMember20222025I

Former members of the committee

EC liaison

Barbara Kaltenbacher

Committee advisor

Volker Mehrmann

Events and past activities

Links within the EMS