zbMATH Open – an Invitation to the Mathematical Community
zbMATH has been open access since 1st January 2021. Our database is now freely available to everybody worldwide. We are taking this opportunity to invite the mathematical community to become involved in the future development of the database.
1. The zbMATH Open survey
We invite you to take part in our online survey (link) which will be open until 10th October 2021. We ask you to evaluate the current features of zbMATH Open and to comment on the future direction of the database.
2. Interlinking with other databases and community platforms
zbMATH Open provides links both to open digital libraries or repositories such as arXiv, ElibM, EuDML, and to external databases including wikidata and the Mathematics Genealogy Project. We aim to integrate as many mathematics open data as possible and interlink them with other databases and services. As zbMATH Open is now open access, it can contribute even more freely to the dissemination of knowledge and to the effective networking of all the different scientific services. This can be seen with community platforms such MathOverflow. Since August 2017, MathOverflow users have been able to find bibliographical references in zbMATH Open and add them to discussions. The corresponding backlinks are automatically generated. We invite the community to suggest and help us develop further links to other databases and services. Please contact us at editor [AT] zbmath [DOT] org.
3. Open data
zbMATH Open provides free access not only to the database, but also to data which can be downloaded via an API, including all metadata and reviews. We invite you to use these data for research projects. For details see here (link)
4. Looking for reviewers
The reviews written by experts constitute an essential and extremely valuable part of the database. They provide crucial information on published articles such as the historic background, the relationship to other publications and sometimes also information on problems concerning the validity of published results. Reviewing mathematical works is a valuable service to the mathematical community and is highly appreciated by your colleagues. In addition, your reviews will have a considerable visibility worldwide. Our current reviewer community consists of more than 7,000 experts worldwide. All the same, we are not able to cover as much of the mathematical literature as we would like to. You can provide a valuable contribution by becoming a reviewer (link).
Reviewers receive compensation of EUR 3 for each review, as well as privileges for ordering books from the EMS Press. With your help, zbMATH Open will improve and become a better mathematics service. Thank you for your contributions!
Klaus Hulek (Editor-in-Chief of zbMATH Open)
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