12 August 2024

The Jaroslav and Barbara Zemánek Prize is awarded to Christopher Schafhauser

The 2024 Jaroslav and Barbara Zemánek Prize in functional analysis is awarded to Christopher Schafhauser (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA) for his outstanding contributions to the classification and structure theory of C*-algebras, in particular to the Elliott classification programme.


The jury of the Zemánek Prize also highlighted the laureate's outstanding results on AF-embeddability of the UCT C*-algebras, as well as his original and innovative approach the classification of simple nuclear C*-algebras, which led to breakthroughs in the field.

Following a generous donation from the Zemánek family, the Jaroslav and Barbara Zemánek Prize is an annual award established by the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IM PAN) in March 2018. The aim of the Zemánek Prize is to encourage the research in functional analysis, with particular emphasis on operator theory and related topics, and it may be awarded to young mathematicians, under the age of 35, who have made significant contributions to the field. More detailed information about the Prize can be found here.

The awarding ceremony will take place at IM PAN (Warsaw) in Fall 2024.