European Mathematical Society Young Academy (EMYA) - Launch
The EMS is proud to announce the launch of its Young Academy (EMYA), and the election of the first cohort of EMYA members.

Thirty early career European mathematicians, spanning 18 countries and representing a broad spectrum of research fields have been elected to the first cohort of EMYA. They held an inaugural online meeting on 6th March 2023. The list of current members can be found on the EMYA webpage (link).
Each member is invited to serve for four years, and at full scale EMYA will have 120 members. EMYA provides a platform the next generation of mathematicians to debate and plan for the future of European mathematics, to organise activities through the EMS, and to advise the EMS on its actions and priorities.
More details about EMYA, including the procedures and timeline for future nominations and selection, is available on the EMYA webpage (link).
Everyone at the EMS is grateful to the new EMYA members for their willingness to serve, and is excited to start working with them in support of the wider European mathematical community.
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