17 June 2021

EMS Digest, Nr 39.

Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel and Richard Elwes

Default EMS image for news.


Welcome to the 39th edition of the EMS Digest (formerly "E-news"). Given recent changes to the EMS communication channels, these digests will no longer contain their own editorials. Instead the latest message from EMS President Volker Mehrmann can be read here (link) introducing the new EMS Magazine (see next item).


EMS Magazine Launches The EMS Magazine has launched - this is the successor to the EMS Newsletter. Details of the changes in format, including a new "online first" approach, can be read on the EMS Press website. The first edition can be read free online here (link). The issue begins with some opening remarks from the EMS President and from the Editor-in-Chief of the Magazine. Other highlights include:

New publication: Memoirs of the EMS

The EMS is launching a new publication, Memoirs of the EMS. For more details see the EMS Press item below.

European Congress of Mathematics

The 8th ECM starts on June 21st, in online form, in Portorož, Slovenia, 21-25 June. Highlights include:

  • Abel lecture by László Lovász, 2021 Abel prizewinner
  • Plenary talks by Peter Bühlmann, Xavier Cabré, Franc Forstnerič, Alice Guionnet (Bernoulli lecture), Gitta Kutyniok, Monika Ludwig, János Pach, Alfio Quarteroni, Karl-Theodor Sturm, Umberto Zannier
  • Live interview with Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, President of the European Research Council (and former EMS President)
  • Public talks by Martin Hairer (Hirzebruch lecture), Kathryn Hess, Bojan Mohar, Andrei Okounkov, Stanislav Smirnov, Robin Wilson
  • Otto Neugebauer Prize talk by Karine Chemla
  • Felix Klein Prize talk by Arnulf Jentzen
  • 10 EMS 2020 Prize talks by Karim Adiprasito, Ana Caraiani, Alexander Efimov, Simion Filip, Alexandr Logunov, Kaisa Matomäki, Phan Thành Nam, Joaquin Serra, Jack Thorne, Maryna Viazovska,
  • 30 invited talks by Andrej Bauer, Yves Benoist, Robert Berman, Martin Burger, Albert Cohen, Marius Crainic, Mirjam Dür, Alexander Efimov, Alison Etheridge, Rupert Frank, Aleksey Kostenko, Emmanuel Kowalski, Daniel Kressner, Daniela Kühn, Eugenia Malinnikova, Domenico Marinucci, Eva Miranda, Richard Nickl, Burak Özbağcı, Ilaria Perugia, Gabriel Peyré, Yuri Prokhorov, Alexander A. Razborov, Aner Shalev, László Székelyhidi, Špela Špenko, Anna-Karin Tornberg, Nick Trefethen, Maryna Viazovska, Stuart White
  • 1000+ contributed talks in 60+ minisymposia
  • ERC panel, Open access panel, European Women in Mathematics panel, London Mathematical Society meeting and lecture, Woman of Mathematics throughout Europe exhibition
  • Other exhibitions (see item below from the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia) and special events

See www.8ecm.si for more information.


Czech Mathematical Society (CMS)

The CMS awarded the Honorary Medal for Mathematics to:

  • David E. Edmunds, Sussex University, for his long-term and fruitful cooperation with Czech mathematicians.
  • Iréne Gijbels, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, for her long-term cooperation with Czech mathematicians in research and education of PhD students.
  • Jiří Veselý, Charles University, for his lifelong dedicated service to the community of Czech mathematicians.

Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP, France)

  • The three-month thematic program "Symplectic topology, contact topology and interactions" is being held in a hybrid format. For more information click here.

  • Forthcoming thematic programs are listed on the IHP website

  • A global survey will be launched over the summer on behalf of the ERCOM committee (https://euro-math-soc.eu/committee/ercom) to have feedback from the community about the impact of the pandemic and their expectations from our institutes in the near future. Stay tuned.

  • Institut Henri Poincaré and EMS Press. The IHP is offering free subscriptions for at least five years to its two journals

    • Annales IHP C (Nonlinear analysis - analyse non linéaire)
    • Annales IHP D (Combinatorics, Physics and their interactions) to libraries in developing countries. From 2022, these two journals will be published by EMS Press under the Subscribe to Open model. The call for applications is open until October 15th, 2021, and applications are via the webpage linked here.

French Mathematial Society (SMF)

On Wednesday June 16, 2021 the Azat Miftakhov Day, supported by the SMF will took place. The program was the following (Central European Summer Time (UTC+2)):

  • 4pm Cédric Villani (Member of the French National Assembly), Opening speech
  • 4:15 pm Maryna Viazovska (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland), TBA
  • 5:15 pm Alexander Bufetov (CNRS & Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, France & Steklov, IITP RAS, Russia), Determinantal point processes: quasi-symmetries, minimality and interpolation
  • 6:15 pm Peter Scholze (Universität Bonn, Germany), Condensed Mathematics These can be watched on Youtube (link). For more information about the Case of Azat Miftakho click here.

CIRM (Centre international de Rencontres Mathématiques)

CIRM looks forward to seeing you again soon!

CIRM reacted quickly to the pandemic, starting in April 2020, to transform physical events into virtual and later hybrid events. CIRM now has two auditoriums and several smaller rooms all fully equipped: videoconferencing systems with TV screens, audio and video systems, etc.. It can therefore host two large events simultaneously, or (especially) several small groups.

"Research in residence" and "workshops" are CIRM programs for small groups, ranging from 2-4 participants for "research in residence", and 10-40 for "workshops". Application for these programs is open all year round.

CIRM is equipped to record all events, and broadcast them live or afterwardson its YouTube channel. Videoconference events can also be recorded. CIRM has a large audiovisual mathematical catalogue that can be viewed online on YouTube or on its Audiovisual Mathematical Library where videos are enriched and indexed.

For more information click here. To reserve, email: colloque@cirm-math.fr. To discover the CIRM in 3 minutes, watch this video

French Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SMAI)

The French Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics and the publishing house EDP Sciences are delighted to announce that the 5 maths journals that they jointly publish transitioned to Open Access without APCs in 2021, under the Subscribe to Open publication model. This transition of the EDP Sciences & SMAI journals was initiated at the beginning of 2020, with the opening of Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, and now includes the whole EDP Sciences & SMAI portfolio. For more details see here. This is supported by the Committee on Open Science of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

Polish Mathematical Society (PTM)

The PTM has awarded its three highest prizes:

  • Banach Prize for 2021 was awarded to Jerzy Weyman, for a series of papers on algebra, concerning the theory of syzygies and half-invariants for representations of quivers.

  • Małgorzata Bogdan (University of Wrocław) is a recipient of „The Hugo Steinhaus Main Prize 2020" for overall achievements in the field of mathematics applications.

  • Danuta Ciesielska (L. & A.Birkenmajer Institute for the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences) is a recipient of „The Samuel Dickstein Main Prize 2020" for very active and persistent work and significant achievements in three fields: research on the history of mathematics, mathematical education and popularization of mathematics.

  • Both Kuratowski Prize and the Prize for the Young Mathematicians of the Polish Mathematical Society for 2021 were awarded jointly to Wojciech Górny (for results on partial differential equations including the least gradient problems) and Marcin Sroka (for results in geometric analysis, concerning the existence and regularity of solutions of the quaternionic Monge-Ampère equation).

Committee of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Andrzej Szczepan Bialynicki-Birula, professor at the University of Warsaw, the founding father of the Polish school of algebraic geometry and algebraic topology and the author of an influential paper on actions of algebraic groups in Ann. of Math. (1973), has unexpectedly passed away on April 19, 2021.

Portuguese Mathematical Society

Due to constraints imposed by the Covid pandemic, the Portuguese Mathematical Society will hold its biannual meeting online, putting together a singular event with brilliant plenary speakers, including four Fields medallists. It is aimed to be a popular and participatory event, and invites all of those passionate about Mathematics to register and join the meeting 12-16 July online. For more details see here.

CIM (Centro Internacional de Matemática, Portugal)

  • The 2021 Pedro Nunes' Lecture will be held on 16 June, with Invited Speaker Shafi Goldwasser (USA).

  • An exhibition on Portuguese Mathematical Typography from 1496 to 1987 is planned with inauguration date 1 July in Leiria, Portugal

For more information see here.

Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia

As part of the 8ECM, the University of Primorska is currently hosting the poster exhibition Women of Mathematics throughout Europe - A Gallery of portaits, as designed by Sylvie Paycha and Noel Tovia Matoff. The exhibition was recently extended with 7 new portraits and now contains 20 European mathematicians. The exhibition was opened last Saturday, May 15th, in Armerija Palace, Koper. It will remain open during the 8ECM until 30 June 2021, then it will visit all the other university towns in Slovenia. The co-organizers of the extension and the organizers of the exhibition in Slovenia are Marjeta Kramar Fijavž and Jasna Prezelj, Committee for Women at the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia (DMFA Slovenije).

Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME)

  • Joint Meeting RSME-SMM, 14-18 June 2021. The fifth joint meeting of the RSME and the Sociedad Matemática Mexicana -originally planned as an in-person meeting for June 2020 will take place as a fully online event from June 14 to 18, 2021. For more details see here

  • Joint Meeting RSME-UMA, 13-17 December 2021. The second joint meeting of the RSME and the Unión Matemática Argentina -originally planned for December 2020 will be held at the University of Málaga, Spain, 13-17 December 2021. For more details see here. The website of the conference (under construction) is here.

  • RSME Conference in Ciudad Real, February 2022. The biennial conference of the Real (originally planned for 2021) will be held at the Ciudad Real Campus of the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), from February 13 to 17, 2022. The call for Proposals for Special Sessions of the 2022 edition of the RSME conference is open until June 30, 2021. The list of plenary speakers, the organizing and scientific committees, as well detailed information about this event are available on the website of the conference.

  • Iberian Mathematical Meeting, 7-9 October 2022. The 8th edition of the Iberian Mathematical Meeting, jointly organized by the RSME and the Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, originally planned for October 2020, will be held at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville (IMUS), October 7-9, 2022. For more details see here

Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SeMA)

  • The XIX Spanish-French School Jacques-Louis Lions on Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering (EHF2021) will be held in Madrid – Spain from August 30 to September 3, 2021. This is the XIX edition of a joint event between the Spanish and French societies of Applied Mathematics (SeMA and SMAI). It is mainly addressed to young researchers within Applied Mathematics, but open to all. It consists in 4 mini-courses and 3 complementary conferences. Registration is now open here with a reduced quota until July 2nd.

  • The 26 CEDYA / 16 CMA. The biennial congress of the SeMA will take place in Gijón, Spain, 14-18 June 2021 in the form of hybrid conference. It covers topics in applied mathematics such as partial differential equations, dynamical systems, numerical analysis and simulation, numerical linear algebra or optimization and control. More details here

  • Félix del Teso Méndez winner of the XXIV SeMA Antonio Valle Award for Young Researcher. The award was established to give recognition to young researchers under 33 years of age who, having developed their work in a Spanish institution, have demonstrated an independent, creative and highly valued activity in the field of Applied Mathematics during the postdoctoral stage. The winner will collect the accrediting Diploma during the celebration of the EHF2021. More details here

  • The Math-in network [Spanish Mathematics-Industry Network] launches a platform to respond to the most important challenges of the industry and of today's society. The main objective of PET MSO-ED is to promote and strengthen collaboration in R + D + i between the public and business sectors, taking advantage of mathematics to address the challenges in the industrial world and society. More details here.

  • HYP2020/21 day is an online event that will take place on July 2, 2021. It will include the two distinguished talks selected for HYP2020: the James Glimm Lecture by Constantine Dafermos (Brown University, USA), and the Peter Lax Awardee's Lecture by Jacob Bedrossian (University of Maryland, USA). The program will be completed with talks given by Min Tang (Shanghai Jiaotong U., China) and Manuel J. Castro (U. Málaga, Spain). Participation in HYP2020/21 day is free with pre-registration before June 30 via the web platform.

  • HYP2022 and Peter Lax Award and James Glimm Lecture. The Scientific Committee of HYP2022 has decided to distinguish with the second Peter Lax Award to Maria Colombo (EPFL, Switzerland). The second James Glimm Lecturer will be Benoît Perthame (Sorbonne-Université, France). More details here.

  • Proceedings del CTMI has been published by Springer for Innovation Series. This book results from the talks presented at the First Conference on Transfer between Mathematics & Industry (CTMI 2019). More details here.

  • Proceedings of the Industry Day at ICIAM has been published by SeMA-SIMAI Springer Series. Under the title "Progress in Industrial Mathematics: Success Stories", this book presents a panorama of recent progress in industrial mathematics from the point of view of both industry and research. More details here.

Swedish Mathematical Society

Magnus Goffeng, Lund University, has been awarded the Wallenberg Prize for his important contributions to non-commutative geometry, index theory, and spectral theory.

Ukrainian Mathematical Society

The international Online Conrerence "Algebraic and Geometric Methods of Analysis" dedicated to the memory of Yuriy Trokhymchuk will take place on May 25-28 2021.

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

The Isaac Newton Institute has now re-opened its doors, albeit in a reduced and COVID-secure capacity, to visitors. The "Applicable resurgent asymptotic: towards a universal theory" programme - which began in March and runs until the end of June 2021 - is therefore a "hybrid" event, with both virtual participants online and a smaller number of physical participants in the building. Live streams and recordings of the many talks involved can be found online. This positive news follows on from the January announcement that the Institute's primary grant funding had been doubled by a £10m increase over a five-year period, and the February announcement that Professor Ulrike Tillmann FRS (Oxford) will become the Institute's seventh Director when she takes over from Professor David Abrahams on 1 October 2021. More information here

London Mathematical Society

  • The Alan Turing £50 bank note will be issued on 23 June 2021, on his birthday. The LMS helped the Bank of England in the development of the banknote through allowing use of a mathematical formula and tables from a 1936 paper of Turing published in the Proceedings of the LMS. More information here.

  • A.E.L. Davis, a former member of the Society, who recently died, made a bequest to the Society of an original 1650 copy of Maria Kunitz’s Urania Propitia, of which only nine copies are known to exist.

  • Dr Alina Vdovina, Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at Newcastle University, has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of the LMS Newsletter. Alina is already an enthusiastic contributor to the Society’s work. She was a Member of Council from 2015-19. Alina’s research interests include geometric group theory, geometry, knot theory, non-commutative geometry, algebraic geometry, theory of buildings and K-theory of C*algebras.

  • At the 8ECM 2021 the LMS will have a Society Meeting on 22 June at 17:30. The speaker is James Maynard (Oxford). More information here

International Council for Mathematical and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM)

Call for nominations for the ICIAM Prizes 2023. The ICIAM Prize Committee for 2023 calls for nominations for the six 2023 ICIAM Prizes (the Collatz Prize, the Lagrange Prize, the Maxwell Prize, the Pioneer Prize, the Su Buchin Prize and the Industry Prize). Nominations are welcome from every part of the world. A nomination should take into account the specifications for the particular prize (see here), and should contain the following information: Full name and address of nominee, home webpage (if any), name of particular ICIAM Prize, justification for nomination (including explanations of the scientific and practical influence of the candidate's work and publications), proposed citation (concise statement about the outstanding contribution in fewer than 250 words), CV of nominee, 2-3 letters of support from experts in the field and/or 2-3 names of experts to be consulted by the Prize Committee, name and contact details of the proposer. Nominations should be made electronically through the website. The deadline for nominations is September 1st, 2021. Please contact president@iciam.org if you have any question regarding the nomination procedure.

European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB)

ESMTB is happy to announce that board member Tom Britton has received the yearly prize for dissemination in statistics, awarded by the Swedish Statistical Society. This award recognizes Tom's major impact in several different media to explain mathematical concepts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through his ability to present complicated statistical tools in a professional and pedagogical way, Tom has educated the Swedish people about, among other things: difficulties with forecasts, uncertainty in estimates and what an R-number is. Tom has participated in both national and international events, where he both presented important statistical research and shared his experiences of having such a public role as a mathematician.


Committee for Developing Countries

  • EMS-SIMONS grants for Africa. The next deadlines for EMS-Simons for Africa grants are on September 15th and November 15th 2021. The grants are to promote individual career possibilities with the resulting improved global capacity in African academic institutions. The program is open to all areas of pure and applied mathematics and statistics and it is directed to fellows based in Africa. Applications should be submitted online

  • Free subscriptions in developing countries for two journals of the Institut Henri Poincaré (see IHP item above). From 2022 these two journals will be published by EMS Press under the Subscribe to Open model: see here.

Education Committee

On 23 April 2021, the EMS Education Committee met online, and retiring members Bernard Hodgson, Ewa Swoboda, Hakan Sollervall were thanked for their precious work in the committee. On the other hand, newly elected members Ayse Berman, Christian Mercat, and Chris Sangwin were warmly welcomed to the committee. Furthermore, various important topics were discussed, to be communicated in due course. One important topic was also a first exchange with members of the EMS Ethics Committee.


  • New Publication: Memoirs of the EMS

    The Memoirs of the European Mathematical Society publish outstanding research contributions in individual volumes, in all areas of mathematics and with a particular focus on works that are longer and more comprehensive than usual research articles. The Editorial Board consists of the Editors-in-Chief of the Journal of the European Mathematical Society and the EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences, along with editors of book series of EMS Press. Submissions are now open. All submitted works will go through a highly selective peer-review process. The Memoirs will begin publication in January 2022 and will be available as a subscription as well as for individual purchase. For more information visit link

  • Recent books

    • Lectures on Selected Topics in von Neumann Algebras by Fumio Hiai (Tohoku University, Japan), EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics, Published in April 2021 More information.
    • Probabilistic Structures in Evolution, edited by Ellen Baake (Universität Bielefeld, Germany) and Anton Wakolbinger (Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt a.M., Germany), EMS Series of Congress Reports Vol. 17, May 2021. More information
    • Partial Differential Equations, Spectral Theory, and Mathematical Physics edited by Pavel Exner (Czech Technical University, Prague and Czech Academy of Sciences, Řež, Czech Republic), Rupert L. Frank (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany), Fritz Gesztesy (Baylor University, Waco, USA), Helge Holden (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway), and Timo Weidl (Universität Stuttgart, Germany), EMS Series of Congress Reports Vol. 18, June 2021. More information



It is time to decide the theme of the 2022 International Day of Mathematics (IDM 2022). A call for proposals for the theme of IDM 2022 is now open with a deadline of June 15. Suggestions for a theme, together with a short justification can be sent by an email to idm@mathunion.org.

As a reminder, the IDM 2020 and 2021 themes were Mathematics is Everywhere and Mathematics for a Better World. As an element of context, the International Mathematical Union is one of the founding partners of the International year of Basic Science for Sustainable Development 2022 (IYBSSD 2022). While still a project, IYBSSD has been adopted by UNESCO and has a high probability of being approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations next fall. Hence a theme related to IYBSSD 2022 would be welcome.

Social media

Keep up with the EMS on Facebook and Twitter