3 February 2025

Conference "Mixtures: Modeling, analysis and computing" (Prague, February 5-7)

Enrico Schlitzer

Mixtures, one of the EMS Topical Activity Groups (TAG), announces its conference "Mixtures: Modeling, analysis and computing" to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from February 5-7, 2025.

Default EMS image for news.

More information is available at the conference website, including the detailed program with almost 40 speakers across Europe.

To foster active engagement and knowledge exchange, all participants will present their current research through short talks, making the event a valuable networking opportunity for the mixtures community. The event will also include organizational aspects, such as the TAG chair election. The conference is partially supported by the Donatio Universitatis Carolinæ Chair Research Support grant awarded to Professor Patrick E. Farrell.

Mixtures, established in 2023 as part of the EMS TAGs initiative to create specialized research communities, brings together researchers working across various aspects of mixture theory. It aims to provide a platform that will allow its members to mix ideas about mixtures and facilitate the spreading of breakthrough ideas across various aspects of mixture theory:

  • physical background and mathematical modelling,
  • mathematical analysis of the corresponding governing partial differential equations,
  • scientific computing and numerical analysis of the corresponding governing partial differential equations.