4 years of PopMath!
PopMath, the platform gathering all Popular events on Mathematics in Europe on a single map, turns four. Discover more and become part of the PopMath network!

The European Mathematical Society fulfills its mission of promoting mathematics across Europe through the work of its Committees, each focusing on different aspects. Among these, the Committee for Mathematics Outreach and Engagement focuses on bringing mathematics closer to the public and fostering collaboration with other organizations.
Four years ago, this Committee launched PopMath, a platform to map and share mathematics outreach events across Europe. Its mission was simple but ambitious: to create an open, collaborative space where anyone could promote and discover math-focused activities, from public talks to conferences.
Since then, PopMath has become a hub for diverse outreach initiatives. From international math festivals to local workshops and hybrid events, it has highlighted the creativity and innovation flourishing in math communication. Events are highly varied, with topics from Table ronde : Maths et sexualités… Quand les sciences décryptent l’amour! to Turing. Du langage formel aux formes vivantes. Since moving online in 2020, PopMath has featured 915 events spanning Europe and beyond. In 2024 PopMath featured events in Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, and Australia.
Today, PopMath not only connects people to events but also preserves them as part of a growing archive. As math outreach continues to evolve, PopMath remains a vital resource for sharing the joy and relevance of mathematics with everyone. We invite you to be part of this growing network – submit your own events, discover exciting activities near you, and contribute to our vibrant math community. Explore and contribute at PopMath.eu!
Contributors: PopMath thrives thanks to its network of contributors: IMAGINARY, MaddMaths!, Plus Magazine, Il Giardino di Archimede, Florilège de la popularisation des mathématiques, Images des Mathématiques, Maths is in the Air, and DropSea.
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