2022 Jaroslav and Barbara Zemánek Prize in functional analysis is awarded to Amine Marrakchi
The Jaroslav and Barbara Zemánek Prize in functional analysis with emphasis on operator theory for 2022 is awarded to Amine Marrakchi (CNRS Lyon, France) for his his groundbreaking achievements in the theory of operator algebras, ergodic theory and geometric group theory, and especially for his contributions to the study of the Connes's bicentralizer problem for type III von Neumann algebras.

Following a generous donation of Zemánek's family, the annual Zemánek's Prize was founded by the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IM PAN) in March 2018, in order to encourage the research in functional analysis, operator theory and related topics. The Prize is establi- shed to promote young mathematicians, under 35 years of age, who made important contributions to the field. The awarding ceremony will take place at IM PAN, Warsaw, in Fall 2022. More detailed information about the Prize can be found on this webpage (link).
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