W2 Professorship in Algebra / Algebraic Geometry (f/m/d)

Georg August University of Göttingen | Göttingen, Germany

Classification: Algebra / Algebraic Geometry

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Göttingen is seeking to fill a permanent professorship with civil servant status (grade W2 NBesO) at the Institute for Mathematics as of October 1, 2024: W2 Professorship in Algebra / Algebraic Geometry (f/m/d) We are looking for an internationally recognised scientist with a research profile – for example in the fields of arithmetic geometry, algebraic geometry, or algebraic number theory – that offers links to several research areas at the Mathematical Institute. We expect: - internationally visible publications, - competitively acquired third-party funding, - the willingness to participate in collaborative projects at the Institute, - the ability to provide excellent research-oriented teaching. In addition to the scientific profile, we are looking for a person who is team-oriented and committed. Participation in the teaching program of the Mathematical Institute at all levels is expected. Aptitude for academic self-administration and personnel management is also required. The faculty hopes for an intensive involvement in the organisation of third-party funded projects together with other research groups. Appointment requirements are laid down in Article 25 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act in the currently valid version. In the case of an appointment to a professorship, junior professors and other members of the University of Göttingen can, as a rule, only be considered for an appointment if they have changed their university after obtaining their doctorate, or have worked scientifically for at least two years outside the appointing university. As a Public Law Foundation, the University of Göttingen holds the right of appointment. Details will be provided upon request. Applications from scientists from abroad are explicitly welcome. The University of Göttingen strives to increase the proportion of women in areas where women are underrepresented and therefore explicitly invites qualified female scientists to apply. The University has committed itself to being a family-friendly institution and supports its employees in balancing work and family life. The University is particularly committed to the professional participation of disabled employees and therefore welcomes applications from persons with disabilities. In the case of equivalent qualifications, applications from disabled persons will be given preference. In order for the University to be able to protect the interests of the applicant, information about a disability or equal status should already be included in the application. Please submit your application exclusively via our Online Application Portal (https://lotus2.gwdg.de/uni/umfb/mathematics_2024.nsf/application) addressing it to the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science no later than March 21, 2024. Your application should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, as well as a description of your third-party funded projects, teaching and research activities and involvement in university administration. For further information please contact the faculty advisor (fakultaetsreferent@math.uni-goettingen.de). The submission of the application constitutes consent under the data protection law and allows us to process your application data. For more details on the legal basis and data use, please refer to the information sheet on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Please note that only the German version of this job announcement is legally binding.

Last updated: 10 February 2024

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