researcher position at CNR-IMATI (Pavia) on physics-based and data-driven methods for slope stability

IMATI - CNR | Pavia, Italy

Classification: Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

Applications are invited for a researcher position (“Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato”, non-permanent) in the field of physics-based and data-driven methods for evaluation of rainfall-induced landslide risk in Liguria (Italy). The position is financed by the Italian project PNRR-RAISE, and is based at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies (CNR-IMATI), located in Pavia (Italy), starting in the fall of 2023 with term in September 2025. Candidates should have at least three years of previous experience on numerical methods for PDEs and/or ODEs, as well as on C/C++ or Matlab/Python programming, or in engineering applications related to the theme of the call. Note however that having already obtained a PhD title is not required. The work will focus on topics such as slope stability, groundwater flows, rainfall-runoff models, geomechanics, software for environmental applications, uncertainty quantification, sensitivity analysis, machine learning. The full call (Italian and English) and the online procedure to apply are available at the linked page. Candidates should submit the application following the procedure at the same URL before June 1st (6pm CEST). For more information, send an email to Lorenzo Tamellini ( or Andrea Bressan (

Last updated: 9 May 2023

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