Rényi-BCAM (Budapest-Bilbao) joint postdoctoral positions
Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics | Budapest, Hungary
Classification: Algebraic and Complex Geometry
Description: The Rényi Institute (Budapest) and BCAM (Bilbao) are offering two joint postdoc positions to work in Singularity Theory, Algebraic Geometry and related topics. The selected candidates will be offered a 3 years position that will be distributed in two periods, one at each institution. The distribution will be determined by the interest and preference of the candidate, respecting a minimum of 1 year at each institute. The Algebraic Geometry and Singularity Theory groups in Rényi and BCAM have common interest and a close collaboration. The starting date of the position is September 2024. For information on the working groups in each institution see: https://renyi.hu/en/activities/kutatasi-osztalyok/algebraic-geometry-and-differential-topology https://www.bcamath.org/en/research/areas/mp/stag A potential fellow is expected to have background in Singularity Theory or Algebraic Geometry in aborad sense. Our main selection criterion will be research excellence, but we will take into consideration if the applicant's background or interests overlap with directions pursued at the Rényi Institute and at BCAM. The salary is the standard postdoctoral salary at each Institute. The PI's are: András Némethi (Rényi) and Javier Fernandez de Bobadilla (BCAM) Applications must be submitted on-line at:
Last updated: 15 November 2023