Postdoctoral position In Algebraic Topology

University of São Paulo | São Paulo - Brazil

Classification: Algebraic Topology

The Thematic Project Algebraic, Geometric and Differential Topology, supported by FAPESP (a State of São Paulo scientific agency) has one open postdoctoral position. We are looking for postdoc candidates with a good potential to do research. The candidate will work on a research project on configuration spaces, braids groups and possible applications to multimaps, exploring issues related to these themes. The responsible for the project is Prof. Daciberg Lima Gonçalves (IME-USP) and the open position is to work under his supervision. The position is open at the Mathematics Department, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (IME-USP), located in São Paulo, Brazil. For more information and application the candidate must send an e-mail to The fellowship will be granted for 6 to 12 months and can be renewed for 12 months. The stipend is R$ 7.373,10 by month (+ 15% for use in activities developed by the Fellowship holder). Application deadline: January 31, 2022. Some details can be found at:,_geometrica_e_diferencial/4754/(Such page has an English version available on the top of the page).

Last updated: 21 December 2021

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