Postdoctoral fellowship
University of Verona | Verona (Remote possible)
Classification: Development of novel numerical methods for the solution of hyperbolic equations on unstructured meshes
- Research subject: The research activity funded by this grant will be carried out in the context of the ERC Starting Grant ALcHyMiA: "Advanced Structure Preserving Lagrangian schemes for novel first order Hyperbolic Models: toward General Relativistic Astrophysics" (GA 101114995). The assignee will work on the development and validation of new numerical methods, of Finite Volume and Discontinuous Galerkin type, for solving systems of nonlinear hyperbolic equations. The methods will be developed on polygonal (or polyhedral) meshes possibly moving (in the context of Arbitrary-Lagrangian Eulerian techniques). They will also be characterized by structure preserving properties at the geometric level (preservation of interfaces, Galilean and rotational invariance) and/or at the physical level (preservation of equilibria, involution constraints, nonlinear stability). The obtained methods will be applied in the field of computational fluid dynamics (e.g. Euler equations, multiphase models ...) and/or computational astrophysics (Euler-Einstein equations). - Salary: 2,000 EUR net per month. - Duration: 1 year with the possibility of being renewed every year, for a total of 4 years. With each renewal a salary increase is also negotiable. - Application deadline: 17 of April 2024 (shiftable by a few weeks at the explicit request of interested candidates, please contact as soon as possible). - Application modality: CV and a 2-pages Research Statement (the interested candidate can take contact with to eventually discuss the preparation of the research statement). - Expected starting date: from summer 2024.
Last updated: 2 April 2024