PostDoc position in number theory

TU Graz | Graz, Austria

Classification: Number Theory

We announce a free PostDoc position at the Institute of Analysis and Number Theory of TU Graz in Graz, Austria. The position is for 2 years, starting date is March or April 2022. The position is located within a research project of the Austrian Science Fund FWF. Project topics include: analytic and metric number theory, Diophantine approximation, discrepancy, normal numbers, (pseudo)randomness, equidistribution, harmonic analysis, probabilistic methods. The project leader is Christoph Aistleitner. The salary is 3.945 Euros (14 times per year, before taxes). Candidates are requested to have completed a PhD in Mathematics. Please send your application, including a CV, a short description of research interests (earlier work and future plans), and a letter of recommendation by a senior scientist to The letter of recommendation can also be sent directly to this e-mail address by its author. Deadline for applications is January 31, 2022. Candidates are expected to be capable of carrying out independent research work, willing to collaborate with other (in particular younger) members of the research group, and to join activities of the research group such as discussions, reading seminars, etc. The position does not include any obligatory teaching activities (but the candidate can teach classes or assist in teaching if desired).

Last updated: 15 December 2021

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