PostDoc in Mathematics: Probability and Applications - Mean Field Models
Université Côte d'Azur | Nice, France
Classification: Probability, Control and Optimization, PDEs
The successful candidate will work in the framework of the ERC AdG project ELISA (Exploration for Large Interacting Systems of Agents), directed by Professor François Delarue. This ERC project deals with mathematical theories and numerical tools for mean field models, which are used to describe the statistical state of a population, including mean field models of rational agents, such as mean field control problems and mean field games (see for the two volume book Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications by Carmona and Delarue and the research book The Master Equation and the Convergence Problem in Mean Field Games by Cardaliaguet, Delarue, Lasry and Lions). This also includes mean field models in which the state of the population itself is random. Among the directions of research of the project, one key objective is to show that randomization (of the state of the population) can enable a form of exploration with theoretical and numerical advantages and benefits in statistical learning (see for instance the works arXiv:2401.13844, arXiv:2210.01239, arXiv:2107.00839). From a more analytical point of view, randomization is also expected to be connected with second order PDEs on the space of probability measures.
Last updated: 28 August 2024