Post Doctoral Positions at Labex MILYON
Labex MILYON | Lyon
The Excellence Laboratory Milyon recruits two postdoctoral researchers in Mathematics, Computer Science and their interactions for the period 2022-2024. The candidates will do their research in one of the following research units: - Institut Camille Jordan (ICJ) - Laboratoire de l’Informatique du Parallélisme (LIP) - Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (UMPA) - Physics laboratory ENS de Lyon, on the research topics : Mathematical Physics, Hydrodynamic turbulence and Statistical Physics, Signal processing. - Laboratory Hubert Curien (LabHC) – Team Data Intelligence Net salary: 2,183 €/month. Basic social security included. 1,500 €/year allowance for work-related expenses. Candidates must have obtained a doctorate in Mathematics, fundamental Computer Science or theoretical physics before October 1st, 2022. The application has to be supported by a member of the Labex MILYON : - Damien Gaboriau (UMPA) - Nicolas Trotignon (LIP) - Filippo Santambrogio (ICJ) - Marc Sebban (LabHC) - Jean-Michel Maillet (Laboratoire de Physique) The application includes: - a curriculum vitae - a list of publications - a research projet - up to two letters of recommendation from researchers external to Lyon - a letter from the scientific advisor in Lyon (the application has to be supported by a researcher member of the Labex Milyon) All applications not completed before January 11th 2022 (recommendation letters included) will not be considered.
Last updated: 5 January 2022