Post-doctoral grant

Group of Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Lisbon | Lisbon

Classification: Mathematical Physics

The position is for 1 year, starting September 2022. No teaching duties. Salary: 1686 E/month (tax free). Candidates should have a PhD in Mathematics or equivalent areas, obtained after 15 July 2019. Workplan: to develop research in one of the areas of the Group of Mathematical Physics, in collaboration with one of its members: Applications should be sent via e-mail to, by attaching the following documents: Curriculum Vitae; Digital copies of documents proving formal academic degrees (PhD) and/or other scientific and professional qualifications; PhD thesis abstract; Research statement (max 1000 words); 2 letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the same address by theperson providing the reference. The announcement , with more details, can also be seen here: For any further information please e-mail Profs Jean-Claude Zambrini (email above) or Ana Bela Cruzeiro (

Last updated: 9 June 2022

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