PhD Student in Cryptography
Technische Universität München, Department of Mathematics | Garching, Munich
Classification: Cryptography, Algebra, Programming
The TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) welcomes applications for a position as PhD Student in Cryptography (m/f/d, initially for three years, 100% position). The position is available in the newly formed research group led by Lorenz Panny in the Department of Mathematics, within the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology, located at the Garching campus. The group was established in 2023 and primarily focuses on mathematical aspects of post-quantum cryptography: for example, this includes topics such as classical and quantum cryptanalysis, cryptographic constructions based on isogenies of abelian varieties and other algebraic objects, and efficient algorithms for both attacks and secure implementations. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to work in a young and ambitious research environment at an internationally renowned university with good connections to some of the leading research institutes and industry participants in cryptography worldwide. Funding for attending conferences, workshops, and summer schools is available. The position is initially limited to 3 years (with a possibility for extensions), with a salary according to the German TV-L scale for civil servants (level E13). The actual salary depends on academic experience, tax classification etc. Requirements for the position include an excellent master's degree in a suitable field such as mathematics or computer science, as well as solid command of English in speaking and writing. Knowledge of German is not required. The ideal candidate has a strong background in cryptography, algebra (e.g. number theory or algebraic geometry) and computer-algebraic algorithms, and is also competent at real-world programming. Relevant prior research experience (as demonstrated, for instance, by formal academic publications, a thesis containing novel results, or independent personal projects) is an advantage. The candidate should feel a strong motivation to discover new knowledge and push beyond the state of the art, and is able to work both independently and in a team. Applications should include: - Detailed CV - A motivational statement (~1 page), explaining the candidate's interest in the position and summarizing relevant experience or skills - Academic transcripts (in particular, list of courses taken) - Electronic copy of master's thesis (or link) - Name, affiliation and email address of one or more professors willing to provide a letter of recommendation directly to us upon request. Please do not send reference letters as part of the application. Review of applications will begin on March 1st and continue until the position has been filled. Please send your application as a single PDF file to with “Application Cryptography PhD” in the subject line. Also feel free to contact the same address in case of any questions about the position. As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, TUM explicitly encourages applications from women as well as from all others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the university's research and teaching strategies. Preference will be given to candidates with disabilities who have essentially the same qualifications. As part of your application, you provide personal data to the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Please view our privacy policy on collecting and processing personal data in the course of the application process pursuant to Art. 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR) at By submitting your application, you confirm to have read and understood the data protection information provided by TUM.
Last updated: 16 February 2024