Junior professorship for probability theory
Universität Augsburg | Augsburg, Germany
The Institute of Mathematics of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Materials Engineering at the University of Augsburg has an opening for a fixed-term position starting on or after 01 June 2024: Junior professorship of grade W1 for Probability Theory The professorship is to be filled on a temporary basis as a civil servant. The future holder of the professorship should have an internationally visible research profile in a modern field of probability theory, e.g. random media, interacting particle systems, random graphs or stochastic geometry. The position is part of the Chair of Stochastics. Cooperation with existing working groups in the Institute of Mathematics and, in particular, participation in collaborative proposals of the institute are expected. The teaching responsibilities include courses for the study programmes in Mathematics, Data Science and the joint study programmes of Mathematics and Computer Science. The willingness to participate in academic self-administration as well as digital teaching is expected. In addition to the general requirements under public service law, the prerequisites for employment pursuant to Art. 63 Para. 1 BayHIG are a completed university degree, pedagogical aptitude, and the special aptitude for academic work typically demonstrated by an outstanding doctoral qualification. No more than four years should have elapsed between the attainment of the doctorate and the end of the application period (Art. 63 Para. 1 Sentence 5 BayHIG). Outstanding research activities, experience in obtaining third-party funding, experience abroad, and experience in teaching are desirable. The appointment process is carried out in accordance with Art. 66 BayHIG. The appointment is for an initial period of 3 years as a public servant. An extension of the junior professorship (second phase) for a further 3 years will take place with the consent of the junior professor during the course of the third year provided that he/she has successfully proven his/her abilities as a university professor. The teaching load is 5 course hours in the first period and 7 course hours in the second period. The University of Augsburg aims to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and therefore strongly encourages female academics to apply. For further questions regarding equal opportunity, please contact the faculty’s representative for equal opportunities for women in science and the arts at: https://www.uni-augsburg.de/de/fakultaet/mntf/frauenbeauftragte/. The position is suitable for severely disabled persons. Severely disabled applicants will be given preference in the case of otherwise equal suitability, qualifications, and professional performance. Applications in German or English accompanied by supporting documents including cover letter, curriculum vitae, academic certificates, records, list of publications highlighting the three most important publications, research plan, previous experience with external funding and the courses held should be submitted by March 3rd 2024 in electronic form as a single PDF-file (max. 8MB) to the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Materials Engineering, University of Augsburg, e-mail: w1-probability@math.uni-augsburg.de. For questions regarding this announcement please contact Prof. Dr. Markus Heydenreich ( markus.heydenreich@uni-a.de). Please note that the authoritative version of this advertisement is the German one, which can be found at the website www.uni-augsburg.de/de/jobs-und-karriere/stellenangebote/
Last updated: 3 February 2024