Full Professor in Geometry/Optimization

University of Salzburg | Salzburg, Austria

Classification: Geometry/ Control Theory and Optimization

The Professorship for Geometry/Optimization should fully represent the fields of geometry and optimization in teaching and research and establish an active research and teaching-intensive working group at the Department of Mathematics. The successful candidate is expected to be internationally renowned in one of the specialist fields (ideally in both fields or their interfaces) and have a distinct profile in a current mathematical area of interest. Their research activities should also show a discernable connection to the second field (e.g., through publications, projects or teaching experience), this could be for example the application of optimization processes in geometrical questions or the study of the optimization with a geometrical background. Teaching will not be restricted to courses in geometry and optimization but will also involve basic courses (in particular the areas of analysis and linear algebra), this applies to courses in the bachelor, master and doctoral study programs as well as the courses offered in mathematics education. A commitment to supporting of students with their final theses is also expected. Networking with the research groups in the Department of Mathematics and interdisciplinary connections to the research areas of interest of the Faculty of Digital and Analytics Sciences and the PLUS will be explicitly encouraged. Experience in the acquisition and realization of externally funded projects in competitive support programs as well as the commitment to procuring externally funded projects in the future are required.

Last updated: 1 August 2023

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