EMS Handbook

5.4 Gordin Prize


The EMS Gordin Prize was established in 2018 to honour the memory of Mikhail Gordin. It is awarded every four years together by the EMS and American Mathematical Society (AMS), see https://www.ams.org/prizes-awards/paview.cgi?parent_id=49.

Principal Guidelines

The prize is awarded to a junior mathematician from an Eastern Europe country working in probability or dynamical systems.

Description of the Award

The award consists of the cash prize of USD 4,000 and travel funds, up to USD 1,000, allowing the laureate, chosen by a committee apointed by the EMS, to attend the said conference. The AMS Secretariat transfers the money to the winner and reimburses the travel costs according to the provided receipts.

Prize Committee selection guidelines

The prize winner is selected by a committee consisting of a chair and six other members representing EMS and AMS. The chair is appointed by a common decision of the Presidents of both societies.

Nominations for the Award

The call for nominations is published on the EMS website and sent to the EMS corporate and individual members in January of the award year.

Nominations must be sent to the chair of the Prize Committe and the EMS Secretariat, ems-office@helsinki.fi, not later than on April 30.

Award presentation

The prize is awarded at the chosen conference and before that the winner name is kept secret. The prize recipients are invited to present their work at this conference.