Women in Mathematics

Committee members

NameEmailRoleTenure beginsTenure endsTerm
Mikaela Iacobellimikaela "dot" iacobelli "at" math "dot" ethz "dot" chChair20222025I
Maria del Mar Gonzalezmariamar "dot" gonzalezn "at" uam "dot" esMember20222025I
Stanislawa Kanasskanas "at" ur "dot" edu "dot" plMember20182025II
Marjeta Kramar FijavzMarjeta "dot" Kramar-Fijavz "at" fgg "dot" uni-lj "dot" siMember20222025I
Isabel Labouriauislabour "at" fc "dot" up "dot" ptMember20222025I
Tere Martinez-Seara AlonsoTere "dot" M-Seara "at" upc "dot" eduMember20252028I
Pablo Mirapablo "dot" mira "at" upct "dot" esMember20192026II
Barbara Nellibarbara "dot" nelli "at" univaq "dot" itMember20252028I
Anne Taorminaanne "dot" taormina "at" durham "dot" ac "dot" ukMember20182025II

Terms of Reference

The committee's remit is to address issues relating to the involvement, retention and progression of women in mathematics. It should also support and promote the recognition of the achievements of women mathematicians. It should discuss and be ready to support appropriate initiatives to this end coming from either groups or individuals. The committee should act as the coordinating body for the committees for women in mathematics of EMS member societies, and it will also cooperate with other associations for women in mathematics.

EC liaison

Jiří Rákosník