Publications and Electronic Dissemination

The Committee on Publications and Electronic Dissemination was established in 2017 as a result of the merger of the Committee on Electronic Publishing and Committee on Publications.

Committee members

NameEmailRoleTenure beginsTenure endsTerm
Evelyne Miotevelyne "dot" miot "at" univ-grenoble-alpes "dot" frChair20232028II
Christian Bärcbaer "at" uni-potsdam "dot" deVice-chair20242027I
Kenji Ioharaiohara "at" math "dot" univ-lyon1 "dot" frMember20222025I
José Ferreira Alvesjfalves "at" fc "dot" up "dot" ptMember20212028II
Frédéric Héleinhelein "at" math "dot" univ-paris-diderot "dot" frMember20252028I
Tere Martinez-Seara Alonsotere "dot" m-seara "at" upc "dot" eduMember20212028II
Barbara Nellibarbara "dot" nelli "at" univaq "dot" itMember20212028II
Henrique Oliveiraholiv "at" math "dot" tecnico "dot" ulisboa "dot" ptMember20232026I

Terms of Reference

PED's remit is to address issues relating to the publishing of scholarly mathematical literature, and access provision, specifically:

  • Publishing in a broad sense including electronic publishing, dissemination and long-term preservation, as well as on-line resources of knowledge like open archives, mathematical blogs, Q&A fora, video libraries, knowledge bases, math-aware retrieval etc.
  • Open Access, sustainable business model.
  • Ethics in publishing, scientific quality of publications, peer review, use and misuse of scientometrics (in collaboration with the Ethics Committee),
  • zbMATH Open, including the role of its Scientific User Committee.
  • EMS Press (in collaboration with its Scientific Advisory Board).
  • Digital Mathematics Libraries, their sustainability and enhancement with new forms of knowledge including mathematical software, specialised mathematical research data, etc., efforts towards the Global Digital Mathematics Library.

EC liaison

Susanna Terracini