Summer Schools
A particular achievement of the EMS Applied Mathematics Committee has been so far the establishment of a series of summer schools in applied mathematics (ESSAM), that are organized yearly under the EMS banner. Initially there was a school organized by IMPAN in Bedlevo and one organized by CIME that take place every year. In 2010, a summer school in biomathematics joined ESSAM. It is organized every year by the ESMTB (European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology). A summer school in mathematical finance is organized by the Institut Louis Bachelier. Two new ESSAM schools were created in 2015. In 2016 and 2017, the number of ESSAM was 7 and 4 (see list below). In 2018, there were 3 ESSAM but lot of events were organized within the framework of Year Mathematical Biology. It was then decided by the EMS Applied Mathematics Committee to increase the number of ESSAM : 8 in 2019 and 13 in 2020. The Guidelines from 2010 of this series of summer schools are recalled below.
List of 2020 summer schools
- February 10 - 16 : Modeling of biomaterials, Kàcov, Czech Republic
- March, 23-27 : Statlearn: Challenging problems in Statistical Learning, Cargèse, France
- April 6-10 : Tenth CREMMA school on Stochastic control, Mean Field Game, Mathematical Finance, Tunisia
- May 24 - 29, 2020 : Mathematical Modeling, numerical analysis and scientific computing, Kácov, Czech Republic
- June 29 - July 3 : Mathematical models for bio-medical sciences, Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Italy
- 29 June - 3 July : Set Estimation: a bridge between spatial statistics and stochastic geometry, CIRM, Luminy, France
- July 4-8 : CIME Courses Machine Learning: From Data to Mathematical Understanding , Levico-Terme, Italy,
- July 14-17 : Numerical approximation of stochastic differential equations, University of Salerno, Italy,
- July 20-24 : Multi-scale modeling for pattern formation in biological systems, Institut MITTAG-LEFFLER, Sweden
- July 20 - August 28 : Numerical models and methods for particles and population dynamics, CIRM, Luminy, France
- August 17–27 : Groups, invariants, integrals and their applications to fluid dynamics and thermodynamics,Wisla, Poland
- August 23-27 : Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian (BNU) Summer School on Survey Statistics, Minsk, Belarus
- August 31 - September 4 : 13th European Summer School in Financial Mathematics (Machine Learning, McKean-Vlasov and mean field games), Vienna, Austria
List of 2019 EMS summer schools
- July 15-Aug 23 : Geophysical Fluids, Gravity Flows, CIRM Luminy, France
- July 1-5 : Applied Mathematical Problems in Geophysics, Cetraro, Italy
- May 26-31 : European School on Mathematical Aspects of Fluid Flows, Kácov, Czech Republic
- June 24-27 : 7th gravitational flows and natural risks Summer school (GdR EGRIN), Lioran, France
- July 1-5 : Summer School on Algebraic Geometry towards applications (TAGSS 2019), ICTP Trieste, Italy
- July 8-12 : Summer School on reduced order methods in computational fluid dynamics, SISSA, Trieste, Itally
- Sept 2-6 : 12th European Summer School in Financial Mathematics, Padova, Italy
- Nov 11-15 : African Mathematical workshop on Optimization 2019, Zululand, South Africa
List of 2018 EMS summer schools
- Aug 27-31 : CIME-EMS ESSAM - The Mathematics of Mechanobiology, Cetraro, Italy.
- May 27-June 1: ESSAM School on Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Kacov, Czech Republic
- Aug 27-Sept 1: 11-th European Summer School in Financial Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau, France
List of 2017 EMS summer schools
- May 28-June 2, ESSAM School on Mathematical Aspects of Fluid Flows, Kacov, Czech Republic
- June 26-30, ESMTB-EMS & DSIN Summerschool on Mathematical Neuroscience, Copenhagen, Denmark
- July 3-7 : CIME-EMS Summer School in Applied Mathematics: "Splines and PDEs: Recent Advances from Approximation Theory to Structured Numerical Linear Algebra", Cetraro, Italy.
- Aug 28-Sept 1: European Summer School in Financial Mathematics, Dresden, Germany
List of 2016 EMS summer schools
- May 29-June 3 : ESSAM School on Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Kacov, Czech Republic
- July 25-29 : EMS-ESMTB Summer School “Mathematical Modeling of Tissue Mechanics”, Lorentz Center, Oort-Leiden.
- July 4-8 : European Summer School in "Modelling, Analysis and Simulation: Crime and Image Processing" in Oxford, UK
- Aug 21-28 : EMS-ESMTB Summer School “The Helsinki Summer School on Mathematical Ecology and Evolution 2016: Structured Populations” Linnasmäki Congress Centre in Turku, Finland.
- Aug 22-26 : CIME-EMS Summer School in Applied Mathematics: "Singular Random Dynamics"Cetraro (Italy).
- Aug 29-Sept 2: European Summer School in Financial Mathematics, Pushkin, Russia
- Nov 28- Dec 2 : European Summer School in Data Science, Warsaw, Poland