EMYA Committee

At its meeting on June 9, 2023, EMYA elected its committee as follows.

Róisin Neururerroisin "dot" neururer "at" ucdconnect "dot" ieChair
Irene De Blasiirene "dot" deblasi "at" unito "dot" itCo-chair
María Ángeles García Ferrerogarciaferrero "at" icmat "dot" esEMS EC representative
Idriss Mazari-Fouquermazari "at" ceremade "dot" dauphine "dot" frSecretary
Barbara RodriguesB "dot" C "dot" Rodrigues "at" sms "dot" ed "dot" ac "dot" ukVice-secretary
Evelyn Herbergevelyn "dot" herberg "at" iwr "dot" uni-heidelberg "dot" deTreasurer
Vesna Iršičvesna "dot" irsic "at" fmf "dot" uni-lj "dot" siEMS Magazine Column Editor
Olena Atlasiukatlasiuk "at" math "dot" cas "dot" czCommunications officer
Simon Telensimon "dot" telen "at" mis "dot" mpg "dot" deDiversity officer

All other EMYA members became internal auditors.

Terms of Reference

The EMYA Committee represents EMYA and shall have general charge of matters including:

  • Preparing matters to be discussed at EMYA general meetings and convening these meetings;
  • Implementing decisions made at EMYA general meetings;
  • Appointing subordinate committees to address particular tasks and activities within EMYA.